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Code of Conduct:


The Research Triangle Analysts (RTA) and Analytics>Forward (A>F) community is made up of members with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences its successes and continued growth. When you are interacting with others inside and outside our community, we encourage you to follow these guidelines.


A member of our community strives to be:


  • Welcoming. We welcome people of all backgrounds and identities to our community. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, color, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.

  • Respectful and considerate. This includes being respectful of other people's opinions and their time. This is a volunteer-led organization. All members are investing their precious time to participate. Your enthusiasm for a topic doesn’t give you the right to monopolize a conversation, and the group does not exist as a showcase for your expertise.

  • Patient. RTA is a “math user group,” and these topics are not always easy to explain verbally. Patience when debating or explaining technical topics is required.

  • Constructive. Constructive criticism is welcome only when it adds to the discussion, just be conscious that not everyone receives criticism in the manner it was intended.


The following behaviors are forbidden:


  • Violence. This includes violent behavior and violent language, especially directed at another person.

  • Discrimination. Including discriminatory jokes and language and anything of a sexual nature.

  • Insults. Personal insults are never acceptable, especially those relating to people's background or identity.

  • Harrassment. This includes everything above and any other unwanted behaviors including giving someone unwanted attention either in person or online.


RTA may ban an individual from its online communities or events for violating this code of conduct.

© 2023 Research Triangle Analysts

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